Yes, any tree crop contributes to combat climate change through the absorption of greenhouse gases.
Sandalwood trees start producing seed from around 4 years of age. Currently, the main market is to supply the sandalwood plantation industry. The seed also has great potential within the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as it has many unique properties within the kernel itself. It has very high levels of protein and may also be used as a food product.
Sandalwood trees which was naturally grown in the forest atmosphere . Sandalwood is a semi parasite crop and depends on host plants for most of its nutrients, this is not readily available in the forest and therefore the growth takes time. Adding to this is the Govt policy which restricts living trees being cut down in Forests. Only dead Sandalwood trees in forests can be taken for production.
Yes it can. Kindly find the following increase in price since 1990 till 2010. The prices mentioned below at per metric ton (mt). As per our project analysis we would be able to fetch upto 8 (mt) from each acre of cultivation
Sandalwood trees were the property of the government for years, but now the rule has changed. As per the Section 108 of the Karnataka Forest (Amendment) Act 2001, sandalwood tree grown in a specific land is the property of the owner of the land. Hence, anybody can grow sandalwood without any apprehensions.The government is also giving subsidy to grow sandalwood through State Medicinal Plants Authority and Horticulture Department.